News Service 86 – New apprentice funding scheme, Skills Classification update, Row of Skills Agreement, VET in Schools, ASQA Course Guide, Bulldogs-STC partnership, Smart & Skilled, Gas Package, Microcredentials Framework, Safety & Industry News

1. FUNDING THE INDIVIDUAL MAY WELL CONTRIBUTE TO HIGHER APPRENTICE COMPLETIONS TAFE Directors Australia’s CEO, Jenny Dodd, provides an editorial article in the latest, 4 April 2022 TDA Newsletter regarding the announcement in the 2022 Budget of a new Australian Apprenticeships Incentive System (AAIS), where apprentices and trainees in priority occupations will receive a direct […]

News Service 82 – History of VET funding 1970-2020, AiGroup VET Policy, celebrate IWD, AISC UEE UEG UET communique, apprentices, electric shock incident, Flood grants, RTO Compliance, Students & courses data, safety & industry news

1. FUNDING VOCATIONAL EDUCATION IN AUSTRALIA – 1970 TO 2020 At a time when a lot of hype surrounds levels of funding of VET by political parties as we head into an election fever, a timely and clearheaded report has been released by NCVER on funding of vocational education in Australia between 1970 to 2020.  […]