News Service 104 – Don’t rush skills reform, VET vs Uni graduate pathways, HBA Review, Energy and Electrotechnology Training Package IRC updates, ASQA, Foundation Skills, 2023 Women Awards, Electric Shock, Dead or Alive, Safety and Energy news

Download a PDF version of the News Service 104 1. DON’T RUSH ON SKILLS REFORM The education section of the Australia Financial Review (AFR) 13 September 2022 edition included an opinion piece by Claire Field, managing director of Claire Field and Associates.  The article suggests government should pause and reflect before embarking on yet another […]

News Service 82 – History of VET funding 1970-2020, AiGroup VET Policy, celebrate IWD, AISC UEE UEG UET communique, apprentices, electric shock incident, Flood grants, RTO Compliance, Students & courses data, safety & industry news

1. FUNDING VOCATIONAL EDUCATION IN AUSTRALIA – 1970 TO 2020 At a time when a lot of hype surrounds levels of funding of VET by political parties as we head into an election fever, a timely and clearheaded report has been released by NCVER on funding of vocational education in Australia between 1970 to 2020.  […]