News Service 84 – Minister wants shorter apprenticeships, NextGen awards, What’s next VET, Hunter FutureProof, Renewable skill shortages, evidence of competency, RTO fined, ASQA online results, NSC Feb Recruitment Up, Incident Safety & Industry news

1. MINISTER CALLS FOR SHORTENING OF APPRENTICESHIP TERMS The Minister for Employment, Workforce, Skills, Small and Family Business and Acting Minister for Education and Youth, The Hon Stuart Robert MP, was a keynote speaker at the recent NAEN 2022 Conference – Adaptation and Opportunity, held in Hobart 15-17 March 2022. The Minister thought it was […]

News Service 74 – Apprenticeships up but growing skills gap, Job ads up, Workers not using all skills at work, Attracting VET Practitioners, ESI Training Package Feedback, Safety news, electrical incidents & shocks, National Asbestos week, Industry news

1. TRADE APPRENTICESHIPS HIT ALL-TIME HIGH, BUT AUSSIE BUSINESSES STILL FACE A GROWING SKILLS GAP Reporter Stephanie Palmer-Derrien in the latest SmartCompany newsletter of 19 November 2021, raises questions about the Government’s messaging, stating, the “message feels somewhat disconnected from the growing tech talent gap, and the plight of small businesses and startups struggling to […]