The National Centre for Vocational Education Research (NCVER) has released its latest research report into the common traits of effective online teaching. The Report, titled ‘Effective teaching practices and student support services in online VET’, examined effective teaching practices and student support services that facilitate the successful online delivery of vocational education and training (VET), including in blended delivery. It was authored by Sheila Hume, Tabatha Griffin and Upekha Andrahannadi, and released on the 22 June 2023.
The media release for the report states, “Effective online training practices share many characteristics with traditional classroom approaches, but how they are implemented may differ, according to the latest research by the National Centre for Vocational Education Research (NCVER).
The report Effective teaching practices and student support services in online VET examined eight case-study qualifications ranging from Certificate II to Diploma level to understand the characteristics of online teaching approaches in a range of training settings.
The research found that due to the varied nature of training environments, student groups, qualification types, and industry settings, there is no ‘one size fits all’ approach to online training.
Despite the variability, five common themes that contribute to effective online teaching approaches were identified. They are:
- simplicity, clarity, and consistency
- varied and engaging learning material
- communication and engagement
- flexibility, and
- student support.
Across the eight qualifications examined, there were notable exceptions to these themes which suggests that online learning may not always be appropriate for foundation skills and traditional trades qualifications.
The report also highlighted that providing proactive and individualised support to students is crucial for those undertaking online training.” …
“Some divergent views on the suitability of online delivery for some qualifications were found, however, especially for foundations skills and trade qualifications. Best practice student support was provided pro-actively, individualised, flexible and responsive to students’ individual needs”.
“Good training is good training, irrespective of the delivery mode”
“Certificate III in Electrotechnology Electrician
Training providers displayed a broad spectrum of views on the suitability of online delivery for the Certificate III in Electrotechnology. Although online delivery, including blended delivery, can never replace the workshop and hands-on experience, some of the training providers interviewed delivered the theoretical components of the course online, but on campus and with trainer support.
Two other training providers held opposing views. One believed that online delivery was not suitable for hands-on trades under any circumstance, arguing that most of the learning should link theory to its practical application. The other, who had implemented a fully online self-paced model for theory, conducted practical training and assessment in the workplace. This provider reported that this flexibility enabled the student and employer to determine mutually suitable times for training and this was viewed as a benefit.”

TAFE Directors Australia reports in its lates 17 July 2023 TDA Newsletter that “all but one of the ten new Jobs and Skills Councils (JSCs) are now officially up and running after a further five were established last week.”
The article states, “The Minister for Skills and Training Brendan O’Connor announced the latest five JSCs which comprise employers and unions and will address workforce and skills needs in their sectors.
The latest five JSCs are:
- Powering Skills Organisation (energy, gas and renewables)
- HumanAbility (early educators, health and human services
- SkillsEQuipped (arts, personal services, retail, tourism and hospitality)
- Public Skills Australia (public safety and government)
- Future Skills Organisation (finance, technology and business)
Earlier the government had established:
- Manufacturing Industry Skills Alliance (manufacturing)
- Industry Skills Australia (transport and logistics)
- Mining and Automotive Skills Alliance (mining and automotive)
- Skills Insight (agribusiness)
The tenth JSC, BuildSkills Australia, (building, construction and property) will be fully operational in coming months, Mr O’Connor said.
“I’m proud we’ve delivered these vital councils that bring together employers, unions and government to collaborate to develop solutions to our skills challenges,” Mr O’Connor said.”

In relation to new Energy, Gas and Renewables Jobs and Skills Council known as the ‘Powering Skills Organisation’ Energy Skills Australia’s CEO, Mark Burgess congratulated the new organisation on receiving Stage 2 grant funding, stating, “The newly established Jobs and Skills Council (JSC) will have broad remit over the energy, gas and renewables industries and the team at Energy Skills Australia are excited to work with the PSO on ensuring a highly skilled, safe and effective workforce of the future.”
In relation to new Energy, Gas and Renewables Jobs and Skills Council known as the ‘Powering Skills Organisation’ Energy Skills Australia’s CEO, Mark Burgess congratulated the new organisation on receiving Stage 2 grant funding, stating, “The newly established Jobs and Skills Council (JSC) will have broad remit over the energy, gas and renewables industries and the team at Energy Skills Australia are excited to work with the PSO on ensuring a highly skilled, safe and effective workforce of the future.”
The new ‘Powering Skills Organisation’ is partnership between the Electrical Trades Union (ETU), Master Electricians Australia (MEA) and the National Electrical and Communications Association (NECA), will work with Governments, Industry and training providers to develop the skills needed for the energy workforce of tomorrow.
The Powering Skills Organisation roles and responsibilities include:
- Workforce Planning
- Training product development
- Implementation, promotion and monitoring
- Industry stewardship
As all of you know, the energy industry is going through unprecedented expansion as we transition to a NetZero future. There has never been a more opportunistic time to be involved in the industry and the importance of getting the skills framework right cannot be understated. The Powering Skills Organisation has a significant task in front of it and we look forward to the continued collaboration with Anthea and the team to provide opportunities for industry and the clean energy workforce for many years to come.

Energy Skills Australia reports in its latest 13 July 2023 Newsletter, that the fourth meeting of the Ministers for Skills and Training across Federal, State and Territory held Friday 30th June in Brisbane, discussed the progress of a range of key vocational education and training reform matters and the development of a new National Skills Agreement (NSA).
The article states, “The Ministerial Skills Council made the following agreement and or commitments:
- A new 5-year National Skills Agreement due to commence from January 2024. Skills Ministers discussed the key architecture for new funding and stewardship arrangements, discussion included arrangements from the commonwealth investment over the 5 years. The NSA will embed joint stewardship of the VET sector that will identify and address national priorities.
- Skills Ministers recommitted to important qualifications reform, agreeing to a VET qualifications system which is:
- high performing
- supports innovation and excellence in training delivery
- supports safety and quality training outcomes
- delivers an adaptable skilled workforce
- supports more employers
A time-limited tripartite Qualifications Reform Design Group will be established to take this reform forward. The group will be comprised of members with strong VET sector experience and representation from unions, employers, a State/Territory government, and education experts.
- Jobs and Skills Australia interim Director provided Skills Ministers with an update on the work of JSA, including its upcoming priorities and the 2023-24 workplan that has been developed with tripartite partners.
- Skills Ministers discussed the progress of Quality Reforms, including possible early changes to the current Standards for Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) 2015 (RTO Standards).
- Skills Ministers discussed the ongoing development of nationally networked TAFE Centres of Excellence. These TAFE Centres of Excellence will partner with industry, universities, and governments to address critical challenges the economy such as transition to a clean economy.”

The NSW government has announced a year-long evaluation of the VET system, led by former federal education department secretary Michele Bruniges.
Dr Michele Bruniges, the former head of the Commonwealth Department of Education, will lead a three-member expert panel that will undertake a major review of VET in NSW.
The Minister for Skills, TAFE and Tertiary Education Tim Crakanthorp said the review would go beyond the 2020 Gonski Shergold Review of VET and develop robust recommendations to government following a decade of funding cuts.
“The review will determine the full impact of the cuts made to TAFE and establish a path forward to rebuilding TAFE,” Mr Crakanthorp said.
The other members of the panel are Professor Verity Firth, Pro-Vice-Chancellor of Social Justice and Inclusion at UTS and a former NSW Minister for Education and Training, and Jason Ardler, a Yuin man from the South Coast of NSW with two decades of experience in senior executive roles in the NSW public sector.
Dr Bruniges was most recently Secretary of Commonwealth Departments of Education, and also previously served as Director-General of the NSW Department of Education and Communities.
An interim report will be issued by the end of this year and a final report by mid-2024.
This Review will consider the current state of the vocational education system and insights from other jurisdictions and propose interventions that will:
- A.1 Rebuild a strong and sustainable TAFE at the centre of the NSW vocational education system
- A.2 Improve equity access of vocational education and training and support all learners to succeed
- A.3 Help address the skills shortages and skills needs across NSW
- A.4 Restore confidence in VET, TAFE, VET in schools quality teaching and learning
A NSW Skills Plan will be developed in parallel and informed by outcomes of the Review.
Areas of Focus
Within that broad scope, the Review will recommend how NSW government can support TAFE and the vocational education and training system to:
- B.1 Strengthen the VET system in terms of health, performance, geography, development opportunities and position within the broader tertiary education system.
- B.2 Meet the expectations of delivery from the perspectives of government, industry, the public and students, and the roles of TAFE and other providers
- B.3 Meet the needs of a changing landscape of jobs, skills needs, education, intersections and different models of delivery.
- B.3.3 Recommend opportunities to optimise and collaborate on VET infrastructure, equipment and delivery, and explore improved models for capital investment for TAFE.
See more on the review and the Terms of Reference. Full terms of reference attached.
More information
For those seeking more information they can stay informed about updates and progress on the NSW VET Review please subscribe to the NSW Review Newsletter.
You can also contact them by sending an email to NSWVetReview@det.nsw.edu.au.

Sophie Hogan, Reporter at ‘The Pie News’ draws attention to the announcement by ASQA of a series of campaigns to overhaul its efforts in “regulating international student delivery”.
The article states, “The Australian Skills Quality Authority, in its July update, said the regulatory campaigns would be focused around the expectation that “providers have returned to compliance”, and offer “targeted monitoring of delivery in certain industry sectors” that have been high risk for non-compliance.
“We have identified these risks through our environmental scans, sector research, issues raised by consumers and internal data collection and analysis,” wrote Saxon Rice, ASQA’s CEO.
“Like all campaigns, this will involve a range of activities, including resources and guidance to assist the sector to mitigate these risks, as well as targeted regulatory activities to ensure we maintain appropriate regulatory oversight.
“This includes being able to identify providers who are failing to meet their obligations and using the regulatory tools at our disposal to support these providers to return to compliance or exit them from the sector,” she continued.
However, while these campaigns have been announced and current information has been updated to “support providers with their compliance”, stakeholders in the industry doubt it will be enough to clear the air.
“I welcome this announcement by ASQA but it’s taken a surprisingly long time to be made and without more details it’s difficult to know if their campaigns will work,” Claire Field, a known expert in VET regulation and the tertiary education sector, told The PIE News.
Field referenced to an incident in late 2022 where reports were made of international students being trafficked into Australia for sex work, resulting in a police investigation but no action being taken against any providers.
“Last month the NSW Building Commissioner [also] announced they will conduct their own skills audits on construction sites to tackle the issue of ‘dodgy trade qualifications’ being sold online. Clearly that points to a lack of confidence in current VET regulation,” Field pointed out.
Field also claimed she had seen evidence that was provided to the authority in mid-May that fake childcare, health and electrotechnology qualifications are also being sold online.

TAFE Directors Australia reports in its lates 10 July 2023 TDA Newsletter that the Jobs and Skills Australia’s Clean Energy Capacity Study, originally due mid-year, will now be finalised in September to incorporate a number of recent clean energy developments.
The Australian Government commissioned Jobs and Skills Australia (JSA) to undertake the capacity study on the workforce needs for Australia’s transition to a clean energy economy.
The delay is due to the “recent budget announcements, including the establishment of a new Net Zero Authority, a further $2 billion for the Hydrogen Headstart program, and a $1.6 billion Energy Savings Plan to improve energy efficiency.
“This extension will allow us to engage in wider stakeholder consultation on the development of the final report,” JSA said in an update.
The study will examine the jobs and industries that make up Australia’s clean energy workforce, and will look at different scenarios for reaching net zero by 2050, as well as the number and types of workers needed.
JSA has received 35 written submissions and conducted five roundtables as part of its consultations. An 18-member steering group has been established to support the study.
Further information on the Clean Energy Capacity Study is available here
The Clean Energy Capacity Study team can be contacted at: CleanEnergyWorkforce@jobsandskills.gov.au”

Editor, Sandra Rossi reports in the 4 July 2022 edition of Climate Control News (CCN) that nominations are open to the 2023 ‘Women in HVACR Program’.
The article states, “The Women in HVACR programme has been created by Climate Control News to recognise talented women making an outstanding contribution to the climate control industry.
Women in HVACR will showcase our industry as a great career choice with plenty of opportunities. CCN will do this by profiling our best and brightest and sharing their experiences in HVACR. Every year, women from around Australia will be invited to nominate to be a part of CCN’s Women in HVACR showcase. Entries will be welcome from young rising stars through to senior executives. It is about their experience and talent, not their age or title. CCN will recognise their contribution and passion for an industry that is making a difference. Here is the schedule.
Successful candidates will be profiled in the October/November issue of CCN magazine and online.
- Submissions can be self-nominated or entered by a third party.
- Complete the short survey to demonstrate the nominee’s passion for working in the HVACR industry.
- Entrants are encouraged to highlight how they are making a difference to the industry.
Nominations close on 5 September 2023”

October is National Safe Work Month. Safe Work Australia is promoting that organisation and workers to host a SafeTea event at the workplace.
“Gather your team and have an important conversation about health and safety at work”.
Why SafeTea?
SafeTea emphasises the importance of involving everyone in WHS discussions by encouraging workplaces to grab a cuppa and have a safety chat.
Don’t drink tea?
SafeTea is all about bringing people together to talk about safety and can be facilitated in many ways, including by hosting a safety themed –
- SafeTradie or toolbox talk
- SafeTeam event
- SafeTeams virtual catch up
We have several resources to help you plan a SafeTea event relevant to your industry, including a tradie safety checklist, conversation starter dice and more! See our website to download them today!
How to plan your chat
Follow these steps to plan your SafeTea chat at work:
- Download resources, including:
- a SafeTea and SafeTradie checklist
- conversation starter dice
- SafeTea and SafeTradie posters
- SafeTeams video call background
- a co-brandable SafeTea and SafeTradies social tile, and
- printable decorations.
- Follow us on social media to keep updated with new information and materials.
- Share your photos with us using the hashtags #SafeTea #SafeWorkMonth– the best ones will feature in our LinkedIn showcase!

Electrical Connection Reporter San Williams reports in the 4 July 2023 edition of Electrical Connection that an electrician has been fined for leaving exposed live wires at a lethal voltage in a new home.
The article states, “Joondalup Magistrates Court fined Aiden Dunstan $3,500 and ordered the electrical worker to pay $1,199.30 in costs on 9 June 2023 after condemning the error which involved missing hazardous exposed wires while checking work at a Two Rocks home in Western Australia.
Aiden had pleaded guilty to breaching WA’s electricity licensing regulations after being prosecuted by Energy Safety.
“The property’s electrical plan clearly shows the position of the light switch, so there is no excuse for missing such an obvious hazard,” Energy Safety WA director Saj Abdoolakhan.
“Without the required light switch cover, someone could have easily touched the live conductors inside and been seriously injured or even killed.
“All electrical work must be thoroughly and methodically checked. There is no place for cutting corners when the stakes are so high.”
According to facts presented by Building and Energy, Aiden was employed by ADCO Electrics to inspect and test electrical work carried out at the newly constructed house including lighting, power circuits and a switchboard.

Electrical Comms Data online, reports in the 11 July 2023 edition of a warning by Energy Safe Victoria to DIY enthusiast to refrain from repurposing electrical components that may result in the potential for electrocution.
The article states, “Following an incident in which a man sustained an electric shock while using a makeshift electrical device to create artwork, Energy Safe Victoria is urging the community not to repurpose electrical equipment.
The energy safety regulator has warned that repurposing electrical components for alternative uses can pose a serious risk to people and property.
The incident took place in Ararat on 22 May, with the electric shock leaving the man unconscious. He was resuscitated and stabilised by paramedics before being airlifted to The Alfred hospital.
With the aim of creating a wood burning-etching device, the man had assembled a contraption consisting of a 2200 V microwave transformer, jumper cables and two nails forcefully embedded into a piece of wood soaked in salt water.
The jumper cables, which are typically designed for only 12–24 V, were connected to both the nails and the output of the transformer. The transformer input was connected, via an extension cord, to a power outlet.
Once the power outlet was switched on, an electrical current flowed, energising the jumper leads, the nails and the wood at 2200 V.

The Electrical Licensing Committee met in June 2023 and took disciplinary action against five licence holders.
The function is to give advice and make recommendations to the Electrical Safety Board about electrical licences and training. They also take disciplinary action against electrical contractors and workers and review decisions made by the regulator about electrical licences. It is chaired by the Commissioner for Electrical Safety, they are made up of four committee members representing employers, workers and the community. At least one of our members is a licensed electrical worker or an electrical engineer. Members are: Electrical Licensing Committee members.
The following is an excerpt of each of the incidents:
- A qualified technical person (QTP) failed to ensure the competency standard required for electrical installation by the electrical workers, failing to adequately supervise the electrical workers on-site.
- An electrical worker was discovered undertaking electrical work without a current electrical licence. ESO responded to reports from the property owner concerned about the workmanship being carried out on their property.
- An electrical worker failed to ensure an apprentice ran appropriate tests to ensure circuits were isolated. The electrical worker and apprentice were replacing skirting ducting and power points in a control room at a treatment plant facility.
- An electrical contractor failed to implement safe systems of work and ensure all mandatory tests were completed when relocating a main switchboard from an existing pole adjacent to a new property pole.
After the work was completed by an electrical worker and an apprentice, the contractor was notified by tenants that they were receiving electrical shocks from metallic equipment. The QTP investigated the issue with an independent earth and found the mains were reversed polarity at the point of attachment. - An electrical contractor failed to implement safe systems of work and procedures. The contractor was engaged by a Surf Lifesaving Club (SLSC) to install a 100kW grid connected crystalline PV system.
The committee’s actions were in addition to fines and notices already issued by the Electrical Safety Office.

SafeWork NSW has launched is WHS Blueprint.
SafeWork NSW Building and construction work health and safety blueprint to 2026, is a three-year plan to reduce fatalities, injury and illness rates in the NSW building and construction industry by focusing on major WHS concerns that are aligned to their Regulatory Priorities 2023.
Over the next three years SafeWork NSW aims to:
- deliver targeted programs, interventions and initiatives for the hazards that are fatally or seriously injuring workers
- provide clear guidance on compliance and escalate businesses who are putting workers lives at risk by not prioritising safety
- collaborate to build on specific initiatives within infrastructure, residential, multi storey/mixed use construction
- provide advice, resources and publications that are easily accessible and understood.
SafeWork NSW has extended thanks to the stakeholders who attended its Building and Construction symposium, regional roadshows and participated in the evaluation of the building and construction sector WHS plan. SafeWork NSW value stakeholders’ input and is looking forward to working with stakeholders to achieve safe and supported workplaces, and to drive down fatalities, serious injuries and illnesses in this industry.
Download the SafeWork NSW Building and construction work health and safety blueprint to 2026 HERE
For information on safety in the building and construction industry visit www.safework.nsw.gov.au/your-industry/construction

Is Electrical Safety Week, is on again this year!! Get involved in Electrical Safety Week 4 – 8 September! With events for industry leaders, electrical workers, contractors and apprentices, it’s a great opportunity to find out more about safety in the electrical industry.
All events are livestreamed.
Electricity safety summit:
This year’s in-person and livestreamed summit will see electrical industry leaders focus on what it takes to be the best leader, diversity in the workplace and learnings for the future in the electrical industry.
Electrical apprentice safety forum:
Join football legend Johnathan Thurston for breakfast at Bracken Ridge TAFE. This free event is for electrical apprentices to find out what is happening in the electrical industry, how to stay safe at work, look after your mental health and achieve success.
Electrical industry safety webinar:
This free live webinar is for electrical contractors, electricians and anyone working in the electrical industry to hear industry updates and learn more about staying safe in the electrical industry.
Electrical safety in the community webinar:
This free live webinar is designed for community members to understand how to live safely around electricity – in their home and workplace!

The 30 Jun 2023 edition of Climate Control News (CCN) included an interesting article by Editor, Sandra Rossi on the emerging dire financial state of affairs in the construction industry.
The articles states, “Like an uncontrolled demolition, construction companies have been collapsing at a rate that has not been seen for almost a decade.
As of late 2023, data from the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) shows that 2,023 construction companies have gone into liquidation since mid-2021.
This figure dwarfs the next industry sector (accommodation and food services) of 1,013 companies and makes up the lion’s share of 7,231 companies in total that have folded over the same period.
These are not small companies either. Clough Group, Probuild, Dyldam Developments, Snowden Developments, ABG Group and Condev have been some of the larger construction companies to fold, while one of the more recent casualties was Porter Davis Homes Group (rated the 13th biggest builder in Australia) – which alone put 1700 projects in jeopardy across multiple states.
Collectively these companies had billions of dollars of home construction projects in their pipelines.
This collapse is happening at a time when Australia faces a shortage of 106,300 new homes over the next five years, according to the National Housing and Investment Corporation, which warned the number of apartments and townhouses being built has fallen by about 40 per cent since the 2010s.
There are a number of reasons why residential construction companies have been going bankrupt.
From COVID shutdowns, extended periods of inclement weather and chronic supply chain issues to cashed-up infrastructure companies competing for construction labour, first home builder stimulus packages being wound back and the end of a prolonged cheap credit-fuelled surge.
Put simply, the industry has been at the centre of a perfect storm.
Dr Peter Swan, a professor in the School of Banking and Finance at UNSW Business School, said that a lot of the building in the residential construction industry takes place “off the plan” when a fixed price contract is signed along with the payment of a deposit.
“Covid lockdowns and hundreds of billions paid to people not to work caused supply shortages, both locally and overseas. Lax fiscal policies and massive printing of money by the RBA led to inflation. The cash rate has been raised from almost zero to over 4 per cent per annum,” he said.
“All of these changes have put pressure on builders financially, as has the decline in house prices, which has now levelled out and gone into reverse. Far fewer properties are being listed for sale.”
If a superannuation fund goes into liquidation, members’ investments are protected, and if a bank goes bankrupt, customers’ deposits are protected, but if a homebuilder collapses, he said new homebuyers’ deposits are not protected.”

The 12 July 2023 edition of Electrical Connections reports that revision of AS/NZS 3000, Electrical Installations (the Wiring Rules) is underway.
Standards Australia writes, “it will be welcome news for electricians and contractors across Australia and New Zealand”.
The article states, “Standards Australia’s Wiring Rules committee EI-001 is leading the charge in updating this crucial standard, which references AS/NZS 61439, Low-voltage switchgear and control gear assemblies, a modification of the IEC 61439 series.
AS/NZS 61439 is a seven-part series of standards that supersedes the AS/NZS 3439 series, Low-voltage switchgear and control gear assemblies Type-tested Assembly (TTA) and partially type tested assembly (PTTA). The AS/NZS 3439 series has been in place since 2002.
AS/NZS 3439 will no longer be updated, and AS/NZS 61439 will replace it, addressing the inconsistencies in standards that were present in AS/NZS 3439. The changes to the standard will predominantly impact switchboard manufacturers, clarifying financial responsibilities, legal and safety issues that may arise during the manufacture of switchboards.
In addition, as part of the AS/NZS 3000 revision, the standard will no longer refer to AS/NZS 60884-1, Plugs and socket-outlets for household and similar purposes.
Instead, it will adopt AS/NZS 3112, a harmonised Australian and New Zealand standard for AC power plugs and sockets and a parallel standard that specifies the approval and test requirements for these products.
This change will help encourage manufacturers to design and produce switchboards and socket outlets in compliance with a single standard that has consistent testing requirements. The intended effect is to ultimately promote safety in the market — especially for consumers.
The last revision of AS/NZS 3000 was two years ago with amendments in 2020 and 2021.
The revisions to AS/NZS 3000 are expected to be published in mid-May 2023.”

The 6 July 2023 EnergyInsider newsletter, jointly published by Energy Networks Australia (ENA) and Australian Energy Council (AEC) highlight the huge industry transformation and effort needed to bring about net-zero emissions.
The article states, “Transforming the energy system to net-zero emissions requires a build out of critical infrastructure and many billions of dollars of capital. These costs all flow through to customers in one way or another. It is important to consider how the costs of the transition will likely manifest for customers in the prices and bills they pay throughout the transition, while also factoring in the long-term value customers receive from these investments and the enormous costs of inaction. This can help governments and market bodies develop and implement policies that are clear eyed in how they impact customers today and into the future.
Energy Networks Australia has worked with consultants Dynamic Analysis to take a closer look at some of the factors that might influence customer prices over the long term. You can find the report here.
First, a word of caution – no modelling can predict the future. The mechanics of a model are always a crude simplification of the real world, further limited by imperfect assumptions and inputs. A few important notes on this model:
For wholesale market modelling we used the publicly available outputs from Endgame Economics. Importantly, the numbers we used were produced after the invasion of Ukraine by Russia and subsequent gas shortages, but before the gas price cap was introduced.
For distribution network costs, ENA created a post-tax revenue model (PTRM) using existing and proposed revenue settings and then made some informed assumptions on expenditure and key regulatory settings out to 2050.
For transmission assets we created a PTRM and escalated it using the Integrated System Plan (ISP) step change scenario and state government plans as the guide.
Some assumptions were made for retail and other costs. For example, it is assumed traditional retail costs would reduce slightly (with greater economies of scale) and new services, such as aggregation and the provision of system security services, would develop over time.
The ISP step change scenario heavily informed the inputs and assumptions for this modelling. This modelling will therefore not predict the future in many of the same ways that the ISP model does not predict the future.
One thing that modelling is good at is highlighting trends or relationships between things. A few such insights jump out of this analysis:
- Customer prices and bills will go up (which we are experiencing now) before they come down,
- Electric vehicles (EVs) will significantly reduce customer bills, most dramatically for EV owners, but also for non-EV owners,
- Poorly managed EVs or consumer energy resources (CER) would result in fewer savings for customers over the long-term.
The report indicates that customer prices and bills will go up before they come down. The 2023 mid-year price increases are largely due to the delayed financial fallout from high gas prices. We caution against relying on the prices shown here for 2024 because these are driven largely by wholesale market modelling conducted before the gas price cap was introduced.
Prices in the medium term should normalise before rising towards 2040 due to:
- Increased wholesale costs to firm renewable energy supply as coal exits,
- Increased network costs due to input costs rising with inflation and also due to increased replacement and augmentation investment to keep the lights on and to transform networks to facilitate the energy system transition to net-zero emissions.
Over the longer-term prices begin to come down again due to reduced network prices. …
A clear understanding of the prices and costs that customers face throughout the energy transition should inform how we best target policy settings and government interventions. It could help, for example, to inform the best timing and approach to reducing customer costs through allocations made under the Rewiring the Nation fund.”
For more, contact Dominic Adams, Energy Networks Australia

Reporter, San Williams recounts in the 7 July 2023 edition of Electrical Connection, consultation has opened for the Australian government’s Hydrogen Headstart program funded at $2 billion.
The article states, “With the federal government, the Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA) and Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water (DCCEEW), the commencement of consultation will aim to see the design of the flagship hydrogen program.
“ARENA was pleased to see the Australian Government recognise our expertise in renewable hydrogen by calling on us to co-develop the Hydrogen Headstart program,” ARENA chief executive officer Darren Miller says.
“The consultation paper we’ve launched today will kick off discussions about how Hydrogen Headstart can best deliver for the Australian public.”
Hydrogen Headstart was announced in the 2023 federal budget and will deliver a step change in Australia’s renewable hydrogen production by underwriting some of the largest electrolyser deployments in the world.
ARENA and DCCEEW have published a consultation paper outlining indicative specifications for the program. The consultation paper covers proposed objectives, eligibility criteria and funding mechanism as well as other features of the program.”

The Australian Pipeliner in the 11 July 2023 edition featured an article written by the APGA national policy manager, Jordan McCollum about how a renewable gas target is critical to reaching net zero.
The feature article states, “As advocates for the transition to renewable gases, we often talk about the ability to reach net zero gas in Australia by 2050. But what does reaching net zero gas actually mean?
Having come leaps and bounds in researching the production, transport, storage and utilisation of renewable gases like hydrogen and biomethane, we know that we have the tools necessary to achieve a net zero gas system domestically in Australia. However, the path ahead of us is still a little less clear.
Luckily, renewable gases aren’t the first new technology to embark on a gradual takeover of an existing market. Thanks to the experience of the motor vehicle, the internet, smart phones and even renewable electricity before them, the pathway of renewable gases to transition Australia’s gas supply chain to net zero gas isn’t as murky as one may think.
Like new technologies in the past, renewable gases are anticipated to follow what is referred to as diffusion of innovation theory. The theory observes that most new technologies will follow, at least approximately, a normal distribution s-curve when taking over an incumbent market –referred to as the diffusion of innovation curve. Approximations of the diffusion of innovation curve have been seen across most new technologies which have developed across the past century. With 20 per cent adoption by 2020 under the Renewable Energy Target (RET), this positions the renewable electricity industry on the curve to achieve net zero for the existing electricity market by 2050 (Figure 3). Whether by accident or design, targeting 20 per cent uptake played a role in putting renewable electricity firmly on the trajectory to full market takeover. The 20 per cent mark is well above the combined innovators (first 2.5 per cent of uptake) and early adopters (next 13.5 per cent of uptake). By ensuring uptake enters the early majority portion of the diffusion of innovation curve, the RET ensured that renewable electricity uptake would continue even after the target had been met.

The Clean Energy Regulator has reported that the Corporate Emissions Reduction Transparency (CERT) report 2023 is now available.
The Report “shows the progress toward net zero emissions, 100% renewable electricity use and other climate related commitments of 25 large Australian companies.
This year, 25 large Australian companies from the energy, manufacturing, mining, retail, financial and construction sectors participated, representing 21% of all scope 1 emissions reported to the Clean Energy Regulator during 2021-2022.
Key highlights include:
- 20 companies have commitments to reach net zero emissions by 2050, including 6 companies that are already carbon neutral.
- 13 companies aim to reach 100% renewable electricity use by 2030.
- To reduce their emissions footprint, companies are choosing to surrender international carbon units, up 65% from last year, while Australian carbon credit unit (ACCU) surrenders are down 10%.
- Over 1.3 million large-scale generation certificates have also been voluntarily cancelled to prove claims of renewable electricity use, up 274% compared to last year.
With the Treasury consulting on mandatory climate-related financial disclosures, now is the time for companies to participate in the CERT report and improve their emissions reporting capability.
Participation in the CERT report is voluntary and open to companies reporting above 50 kilotonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2-e) under the National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting (NGER) scheme. Eligible companies may opt-in for the CERT report 2024 from November 2023.
Clean Energy Regulator encourages you to explore the company profiles and read the highlights for the CERT report 2023.”