This is final publication of the NSW UE ITAB News Service for 2023. We too, will take a break during the festive season.
On behalf of the NSW UE ITAB Board, we extend to our News Service readers and their families and friends our best wishes for the festive season. May it be happy and safe, and more importantly full of joy, good tides, merriment and much prosperity in the new year.
We thank you for the opportunity for allowing us to share with you the latest VET, Safety and Industry news via the News Service. We hope you have enjoyed the Service thus far, and we look forward to continuing it in 2024.
We wish everyone a wonderful Merry Xmas and a Happy New Year!!
We will return with the service in February 2024.
With the growing concern over apprentice supervision in the electrical industry, the NSW Government’s Department of Customer Services Fair Trading division has released a new Supervision Practice Standard (SPS) to guide the electrical industry on appropriate levels and ratios for the supervision of electrical apprentices. The new Supervision Practice Standard for licenced electricians supervising apprentices was released after the Department undertook a lengthy consultation and feedback process with selected industry stakeholders.
The Department states, “The new Supervision Practice Standard for electrical apprentices aims to respond to compliance issues and industry needs by clarifying the appropriate levels and ratios of supervision depending on the experience of an apprentice. These guidelines will assist businesses, licence holders and apprentices to understand their rights and obligation and make the necessary arrangements to ensure safety and compliance.”
SPS to be mandated – Sep 2024
The Supervision Practice Standard (SPS) acts as a guideline to help businesses, licence holders and apprentices to understand their rights and obligations. It also details the supervision requirements of electrical apprentices to achieve compliant work in a safe manner.
The NSW Government intends the SPS will be mandated as a legal requirement from September 2024.
Levels of supervision
The SPS identifies three levels of supervision. Each are defined and described in the Standard with the three levels referred to as:
- Direct supervision
- General supervision
- Broad supervision
Key information
- The new Supervision Practice Standard (SPS) provides information for the electrical industry on appropriate levels and ratios for the supervision of electrical apprentices.
- Only a licensed electrician can supervise electrical apprentices.
- The SPS details varying levels of supervision that are appropriate depending on the experience of an apprentice, Direct, General and Broad.
- Currently, the SPS acts as a guideline to help businesses, licence holders and apprentices to understand their rights and obligations under the SPS and make appropriate arrangements to meet the requirements.
- The SPS will be mandated as a legal requirement in September 2024. Once mandatory, a failure to comply with the SPS will attract enforcement action and penalties.
More information is available on the Fair Trading website HERE
From 1 December 2023, the Building Commission NSW took over the role of regulator of the building and construction industry in NSW.
That means regulation of building and construction is changing. The Building Commission NSW is a new, fit-for-purpose building regulator bringing teams together teams from NSW Fair Trading and the Office of the Building Commissioner into one, to provide an integrated and consistent approach to ensuring confidence in residential building quality in NSW.
Building and construction related work areas of NSW Fair Trading are progressively being transitioned to the newly established Building Commission NSW.
- Inspections and compliance: Inspections of building quality of residential build quality.
- Licensing: Licensing of tradespeople, design practitioners and certifiers.
- Complaints: Complaints about home building and licensed tradespeople.
- Policy: Ongoing development of reform of building laws in NSW.
The Fair Trading website states in relation to the transition, “As the transition continues, information and functions you currently access on the Fair Trading website will be moving to In the meantime, the information you need may still be found on the NSW Fair Trading website.”
Several amendments were made to building legislation as part of ongoing reforms to transform the regulation of the construction industry and restore trust and confidence in residential buildings.
- Site inspections of residential buildings including freestanding houses and terraces no longer need to be triggered by the lodgement of a building dispute to the regulator. Instead, the work of builders and trades working on residential buildings covered by the Home Building Act (1989) may be inspected at anytime, anywhere.
- Stronger powers for the regulator to refuse an application, cancel a licence or disqualify a person from holding a contractor licence if the person has been involved in the management of a company which has become insolvent in the previous 10 years.
The Building Legislation Amendment Bill 2023 was passed by Parliament in November 2023.
The Act introduces powers into the Home Building Act 1989 for inspectors of the Building Commission NSW to investigate the construction of buildings covered under the Home Building Act, which include for example, freestanding houses, duplexes and terraces (known as Class 1 buildings under the National Construction Code).
Inspectors will be able to enter residential homes under construction or where construction work is being undertaken to inspect build quality. If a building is occupied, an inspector can only enter part of the premises used for residential purposes with permission of the owner or by a search warrant. Inspectors may examine, test, take samples or seize things to determine building compliance or if they believe it may be connected with defects in the building.
Building Commission NSW is a new, fit-for-purpose building regulator bringing together teams from NSW Fair Trading and the Office of the Building Commissioner into one, to provide an integrated and consistent approach to ensuring confidence in residential building quality in NSW.
For the latest update, visit the new Building Commission website at:
Submissioins closed to the NSW VET Review on Friday, 24 November 2023. The NSW U&E ITAB Board submitted its feedback to the Review calling for a new approach to apprenticeship management in NSW.
The NSW U&E ITAB proposed the establishment of a new or modernised “NSW Commission for Apprenticeships and Traineeships” (NSW CAT). This commission would be tasked with a comprehensive mandate, encompassing the declaration, regulation, management, and administration of all requirements associated with employment, training, mentoring, and competency certification of cadets, apprentices, and trainees.
The objective being, to ensure those engaged in apprenticeships and traineeships are frequently monitored and overseen as well as provided the protections and pastoral care of the State in terms of requirement to attend off-the-job training and be assured an approved employer is providing them with the necessary experience on the job. It would include protection from exploitation, mistreatment or poor supervision.
The Commission would hold direct account of the quality of delivery of training and assessment of RTOs for the cadet/apprentice/trainee, monitoring of the on-the-job performance by the RTO as well as the status of issuance of the qualification by the RTO. The outcomes must meet the qualification standards commensurate with the quality requirements sought by NSW industry.
This visionary approach to cadetships, apprenticeships and traineeships aims to not only bolster the quality and accessibility of technical vocational education outcomes but also provide a unified and forward-thinking platform for guiding career aspirants and nurturing the workforce of tomorrow. The NSW CAT, underpinned by strategic funding and a clear mission, could play a transformative role in fostering a skilled, adaptable, and resilient future workforce as well as enhancing completion rates. Moreover, act as a government authorised lead agent in promoting the benefits and rewards of cadetship, apprenticeship and traineeship careers and fostering parental confidence in its work to protect and support cadets, apprentices, and trainees along the way in their competency development program, leading to greater attraction and take up.
You can download a copy of the NSW U&E ITAB submission to the NSW VET Review – HERE.
On the same day submissions closed, the VET Review team hosted the NSW VET Review Skills Symposium as part of the final day consultation phase. This symposium brought together key VET experts and leaders to discuss the work of the review, listen to different voices across the VET sector, and engage on VET’s role in meeting future skills demands. NSW Minister for Skills, TAFE and Tertiary Education, Steve Whan, delivered the Symposium’s opening address.
Over 100 guests from across the vocational education and training (VET) sector attended the event at the Department of Education offices in Parramatta. Those interested in the presentations made throughout the day can access the presentation slides HERE.
The VET Review Panel advises that it is now looking forward to continuing consultations next year and providing its final report mid-2024.
The NSW VET Review is a comprehensive examination of the vocational education and training sector. The review is a NSW Government commitment to restore TAFE to be the best it can, and reskill NSW. It is led by an expert panel and supported by the NSW Department of Education.
The VET Review Panel invites stakeholders to continue to provide feedback or contact them if you require further information via the VET Review Secretariat at:
See more on the review and the Terms of Reference.
4. SMART & SKILLED UPDATE – NO 219-220 DEC 2023
Training Services NSW has published the latest Smart and Skilled Update, No. 219 – 220 for DECEMBER 2023 (DOWNLOAD A COPY HERE).
Smart and Skilled is an NSW Government program that helps people get qualifications in in-demand skills and industries. It’s a key part of the NSW vocational education and training system.
This latest Smart and Skilled Update covers the following:
- 2023-24 Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) VET Scholarships now open
- National survey on the draft revised RTO Standards
- NSW Vocational Education and Training (VET) Review
- Potential causes of overpayments and resources to assist Providers
- Overpayments related to Credit Transfers & Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)
- Overpayments related to reporting data for a superseded qualification
The department is managing Financial Caps carefully, in consideration of the changing budget environment.
Find out how to access funding for vocational education and training that gives people workplace skills in high demand industries. Learn about Smart and Skilled and other government programs in NSW. For more information visit: FUNDING AND SUPPORT – SMART AND SKILLED
Or, for technical support in relation to this update, contact Training Market Customer Support at
For the Smart and Skilled – NSW Skills List visit: NSW SKILLS LIST – SMART AND SKILLED
The new Energy, Gas and Renewables Jobs and Skills Council, the ‘Powering Skills Organisation’ conducted its inaugural Training Advisory Group (TAG) meetings during the week commencing 11 December 2023 to cover the four Training Packages under its remit:
- Electrotechnology Training Package – UEE
- ESI – Generation Training Package – UEP
- ESI Transmission, Distribution and Rail Training Package – UET
- Gas Training Package – UEG
Each of the TAG meetings discussed the structure and future meeting processes as well as the appointment of interim TAG Chairs of each TAG and an array of technical issues identified from stakeholders that will need to be addressed in the future by each TAG. Meetings of the TAGs will be virtual and held on a predetermined frequency rate that can be gleaned from the recordings.
Recordings of the proceedings are now available via the Powering Skills Organisation (PSO) website at the following links:
- UEE TAG workshop: 11/12/23 –
- UEP TAG workshop: 12/12/23 –
- UEG TAG workshop: 12/12/23 –
- UET TAG workshop: 13/12/23 –
If you have any questions or have not yet joined a TAG or wish to contribute to the technical discussions, then contact Powering Skills Organisation (PSO) via the website
Powering Skills Organisation is one of ten Jobs and Skills Councils (JSCs), established by the Federal Government to address skills shortages and training structures in different sectors. PSO works across the energy sector, focusing on electricity, renewables and gas.
Read PSO’s latest news here:
The number of apprentices and trainees ‘in-training’ in NSW for the period November 2022 to November 2023 of 108,000 are almost 8,500 or 7% less year on year.
The monthly in-training number reduced slightly by 900 or 1% in November from October.
Apprenticeship and traineeship approval numbers from January to November in 2023 were down by over 12,000 or 20% compared to the same period in 2022. The decrease was driven by over 14,000 or 37% drop in traineeship approval numbers. Apprenticeship approvals increased by 2,300 or 11% in the same period.
Significant reductions in traineeship approvals were seen in the Finance, Insurance and Business Services industries (-7,469), followed by Retail and Wholesale industry (-1,713) and Tourism industry (-1,476).
Traditional trade apprenticeships continued to dominate recruitment numbers with carpentry at 11,810 and electrical at 11,515 respectively, near three times the number of other vocations. For the month of November 2023, carpentry moved to the number one spot in new apprentices.
RTOs servicing the electrical apprenticeship continue to report capacity constraints in delivery, caused by bottlenecks in available teacher/trainer numbers.
School Based Apprenticeships and Traineeships (SBATs) fared well over the period January to November 2023, with the total number of approvals rising to 2,742 and ‘in training’ numbers rising to 3,935.
TAFE Directors Australia reports in its 18 December 2023 TDA Newsletter, that the federal government is set to embark on a wide-ranging review of the apprenticeship system. The Review will look at structures, policy settings and financial arrangements.
The article states, “Last week’s Mid-Year Economic and Fiscal Outlook (MYEFO) included plans for a comprehensive federal inquiry into the apprenticeship system.
The MYEFO, released by Treasurer Jim Chalmers and Finance Minister Katy Gallagher, committed $5.4 million over two years from 2023–24 to undertake what’s described as a “strategic review of Australian Apprenticeships, including the Australian Apprenticeships Incentives System.”
It says the review will be led by an experienced, eminent expert and will examine financial supports for apprentices, program settings, and will entail broad consultation to deepen the government’s understanding of the apprenticeships system.”
The cost of this measure will be partially met from within the existing resourcing of the Employment and Workplace Relations portfolio.
Download a copy of the MYEFO budget papers HERE, and go to page 242.
Jobs and Skills Australia (JSA) reports that it has published the 2023 update of the Australian Skills Classification (the Classification). It is now available for review and downloading.
Jobs and Skills Australia (JSA) states, “The Classification allows users to explore the connections and transferability between occupations and skills, supporting users to develop more refined and targeted approaches to policy, programs and research.
Highlights of this release include:
- around 300 new occupation profiles, raising the total number of occupation profiles to over 1,500
- a range of data improvements to 400 existing occupation profiles
- skill statements for each of the Classification’s specialist tasks
- updated and extended Trending and Emerging skills data
- extended descriptions for the Classification’s technology tools, and the introduction of a technology tool hierarchy featured in the data download.
Stakeholder feedback has been integral to these improvements, and we would like to thank all representatives who have provided comment about the Classification to date.
For more detail about this release, please refer to the Australian Skills Classification release 3.0 report or you can read the Methodology paper located under the downloads tab.”
Jobs and Skills Australia (JSA) advises that it welcomes stakeholder feedback about the Classification and how stakeholders are using it.
Please contact them at
The Jobs and Skills Australia (JSA) reports this month that the November online job adverts decreased. In seasonally adjusted terms, job advertisements decreased by 0.3% (or 690 job advertisements) in November 2023 to stand at 259,500.
The JSA states, “Latest data from Jobs and Skills Australia’s November Internet Vacancy Index (IVI) show underlying labour market conditions holding steady, with online job advertisements decreasing marginally across Australia, and in some regions. However, the number of internet vacancies remains at historically relatively high levels.
In seasonally adjusted terms, at the national level online job advertisements decreased in November 2023 (down 0.3% or 690 job advertisements) to 259,500. By contrast, vacancy numbers were up in four jurisdictions – South Australia, Western Australia, Tasmania and Queensland.
Over the month to November 2023, decreases in vacancies for most Major Occupation and Skill Level groups were recorded. Internet advertisements in regional Australia decreased over the year (down 3.4%) but in capital cities, vacancies decreased by 11.1%.”
Download the report HERE
The latest Labour market updated from Jobs and Skills Australia (JSA) for December 2023 has been released, with indications of a softening labour market.
The latest report states, “found that around 88% of total employment growth (over the year to August 2023) was in occupations that typically require post-school qualifications.
This reflects the importance of the higher education and Vocational Education and Training (VET) systems to growing a high-skilled Australian workforce.
Around 60% of total employment growth over this period was in occupations where VET qualifications are the primary pathway.
This is reinforced by Jobs and Skills Australia’s (JSA) latest projections, that suggest that by May 2028, 100% of all roles will require at least a secondary education (or Skill Level 5), with 86% requiring a tertiary qualification (or Skill Levels 1-4).
The new LMU report further shows that the unemployment rate remains low, there is a shift towards part-time employment growth and a reduction in hours worked, which could be signalling a turning point in the broader labour market.
The top 10 occupations with the largest increase in employment over the year to August 2023 include Aged and Disabled Carers, Electricians and Child Carers.
The report also features new JSA analysis that compares the relative labour market strength of regions. The results of the Regional Labour Market Indicator (RLMI) show that stronger-performing regions tend to have larger populations concentrated in major cities. By contrast, poorer performing regions tend to be located in outer-regional or remote areas.
For a more comprehensive story about the state of the current Australian labour market, read the December Labour Market Update now.”
Download a copy of the report HERE
Women NSW 13 December 2023 advisory reports that the NSW Women’s Advisory Council has announced new members to its Council.
The advisory states, “We’re proud to announce the members of the new NSW Women’s Advisory Council (the Council)!
The members have extensive and valuable expertise across a range of critical areas including health, employment, migrant services, and domestic and family violence.
The new members are:
- Belinda Cashman – Director, Aboriginal Health Strategy, Western Sydney Local Health District
- Elise Coppins – Clinical Nurse Consultant, Southern NSW Local Health District
- Associate Professor Elizabeth Hill – Deputy Director, Gender Equality in Working Life Research Initiative, University of Sydney
- Janine Farah – NSW and ACT Regional Manager, Young Change Agents
- Associate Professor Jill Duncan – Lead (Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion), University of Newcastle
- Julie Perkins – CEO, Gurehlgam
- Karen Price – Deputy CEO, ACON
- Lisa Annese – CEO, Diversity Council of Australia
- Mariam Mourad – CEO, Bankstown Women’s Health Centre, and Fairfield Women’s Health Centre
- Marlene Krasovitsky – Consultant on the Global Campaign to Combat Ageism, World Health Organisation
- Tara Hunter – Director of Client and Clinical Services, Full Stop Australia
- Violet Roumeliotis AM – CEO, Settlement Services International
Congratulations to the new members! We look forward to working with you and achieving positive outcomes for the women of NSW.
Learn more about the Council and the members ????
The Council is tasked with advancing gender equality by providing key advice to government on the priority areas of the NSW Women’s Strategy 2023–2026.
The Strategy aims to achieve equitable policy outcomes across three priority areas: economic opportunity and advancement, health and wellbeing, participation and empowerment.
You can read more about the NSW Women’s Strategy here ????”
The NSW UE ITAB is fortunate again this month to be provided with the latest electrical incident reports from BluScope Steel. As stated in previous News Services, the NSW UE ITAB has received permission from BlueScope Steel to share the information.
The aim is to help RTOs and industry practitioners have available, real case studies of electrical incidents that have occurred in workplaces and which they can showcase and use in their programs or safety moments to highlight findings and experience, and discuss possible issues, responses or solutions.
The NSW UE ITAB again, sincerely thanks BlueScope Steel for their permission, and advises RTOs and industry practitioners to ensure they recognise and acknowledge attribution to BlueScope for sharing this information and treat the information for educational purposes only.
As we receive the incident reports, we will continue to share them accordingly.
For this News Service we have a Blue Scope Steel reports covering the month of October 2023:
- Download the October 2023 report – OCTOBER REPORT HERE
For more information and BlueScope contact details please refer to the undersigned for more information. Again, a sincere thanks to BlueScope.
Energy Safe New Zealand reports in its Energy Safety Business Update – December 2023, that it has identified a socket outlet with insulation piercing construction to that is unsafe.
The article states that, “The WorkSafe Energy Safety team has been notified that a “fitting” being a socket outlet with insulation piercing construction is being supplied in New Zealand.
We have determined that this type of assembly for socket outlet construction is unsafe for use and installation in New Zealand. When it is used with tough plastic sheath (TPS) cable that is approved for use in New Zealand, a transposition between live and earth is likely to occur.
The installation of this socket outlet is designed to have three cord piercing blades/knifes (conductors) cutting through the sheath and insulation of a flat TPS cable to make the connection with each conductor within the TPS. The installation and connection do not require any peeling and removing of the sheath and insulation to expose the conductors. Therefore, the connection of this fitting to flat TPS cable relies on the relative positions of the conductors in the cable.
It is recommended that you do not purchase or install this type of socket outlet with insulation piercing construction in your property.
If this type of socket outlet has already been installed in your property, please engage a licenced electrical worker to urgently carry out an inspection and repair the wiring as needed.”
Pictured: examples of socket outlets with insulation piercing construction. Left: blades/knifes (conductors) cutting through the sheath and insulation from one direction. Right: blades/knifes (conductors) cutting through the sheath and insulation from multiple directions.
Note: these are simple examples showing blade/knife type connections to TPS cable. They are not compliant examples and are only used as a reference.
For more information visit: WORKSAFE NZ
Safe Work Australia’s 13 December 2023 circular advises that Safe Work Australia will act immediately to progress the 13 December 2023 decision by work health and safety (WHS) ministers to prohibit the use of engineered stone.
The circular states, “Safe Work Australia recommended the prohibition under the model WHS laws to protect thousands of workers from respirable crystalline silica (silica dust), which is generated in high levels when workers cut, shape, or polish engineered stone.
Exposure to silica dust from engineered stone has led to a rapid increase in the number of workers developing the serious lung disease silicosis in Australia.
Safe Work Australia will now draft amendments to the model WHS Regulations. The amendments will then be implemented in each jurisdiction’s WHS laws.
Safe Work Australia will also develop a national framework to ensure anyone working with engineered stone products installed prior to the prohibition is doing so safely.
Until the prohibition comes into effect, workers and businesses can continue to work with engineered stone in a controlled way, as detailed in the model WHS Regulations.
Comments from Safe Work Australia CEO, Marie Boland:
“Today, WHS ministers from the Commonwealth, states and territories agreed to Safe Work Australia’s recommendation to prohibit the use of engineered stone to protect the health and safety of workers.
“Workplace exposure to respirable crystalline silica has led to an unacceptable increase in the number of cases of silicosis and other silica-related diseases. Expert analysis shows that silica dust from engineered stone poses unique hazards and there is no evidence that low silica engineered stone is safe to work with.
“This prohibition will make Australian workplaces safer and healthier.
“The vast majority of silicosis cases identified in recent years are in engineered stone workers. Many of these cases are in younger workers who are experiencing faster disease progression and higher mortality.”
The 15 December 2023 edition of Renew Economy reports on the decision by State Energy Ministers to give themselves power to force coal generators to stay open if a fast-tracked closure puts grid reliability at risk.
The article by Editor, Giles Parkinson, states, “State energy ministers will be given the power to force coal fired generators – and other plant – to stay open if the capacity is needed for grid reliability and security, and if a negotiated deal can’t be reached.
Under the Orderly Exit Management (OEM) framework agreed by state and federal energy ministers last month, and put together by NSW energy minister Penny Sharpe, state ministers will have the power to delay a closure by up to three years.
The details of the OEM were released on the same day as the draft 2024 Integrated System Plan, in which the market operator says coal will likely make an early exit – with the last coal unit shuttered by 2038 – because of their age, unreliability and inability to compete.
See: AEMO’s jaw dropping prediction for coal power: all but gone from the grid in a decade
In effect, the new framework will likely only apply to NSW, given that Queensland owns the bulk of its coal power and can already make calls on closure times as it sees fit, and Victoria has already struck a closure timetable deal with two of its three remaining privately owned coal fired power plants.
South Australia closed the last of its privately owned coal generators in 2016, although it does have a couple of big mid-merit gas plants – such as Pelican Point – which could in theory be affected by this legislation.
NSW still has four coal fired generators in operation – Eraring, Vales Point, Bayswater and Mt Piper – and the latest Australian Energy Market Operator planning blueprint, the draft 2024 Integrated System Plan, predicts the last of these units will be closed by 2038 at the latest.”
EnergyCo has released its inaugural End of Year Snapshot. The Snapshot sets out the work EnergyCo does to support NSW’s energy transition, the key milestones it has achieved so far this year, and the progress in developing the Renewable Energy Zones (REZs) and other priority transmission projects.
It covers:
- How EnergyCo works with others on the energy transition
- EnergyCo’s strategy for REZs and other priority projects
- EnergyCo’s role in the energy transition
- EnergyCo’s commitment to local communities
- Community benefits in the REZs
Key milestones for 2023 – Progress on EnergyCo’s projects
- Central-West Orana REZ
- New England REZ
- South West REZ
- Hunter-Central Coast REZ
- Illawarra REZ
- Hunter Transmission Project
- Waratah Super Battery
The Network Infrastructure Strategy, published by EnergyCo in May 2023, sets out what new transmission will be needed for our energy future.
It focused on the network infrastructure needed to support NSW’s five REZs, and its two Priority
Transmission Infrastructure Projects (PTIPs), the Waratah Super Battery and the Hunter Transmission Project.
The Strategy proposed network options with capacity to transmit 14 gigawatts (GW) of electricity as soon as possible, and a further 10 GW if needed. This is primarily needed to unlock abundant renewable energy sources across the State.
The 14 GW would greatly increase NSW’s current network capacity and deliver $10.6 billion (in present value) in consumer benefits over the next 20 years.
Download a copy of the end of year snapshot HERE