Its good news for Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) delivering the Certificate III in Electrotechnology Electrician (UEE30820).
Training Services NSW has announced that it has increased funding for the qualification by $5,500. The new funding allocation will take affect 1 July 2022.
This is great news for the industry, apprentices and RTOs.
The NSW UE ITAB congratulates Training Services NSW on the decision and the research work that was undertaken with the partner consultant to identify a fair and breakeven point for assuring a quality outcome for this qualification.
The price change is as follows:
For more information on the above and the prices, fees and subsidies applied to an array of qualifications included in the NSW Skills List visit the following link and download the relevant file: https://www.nsw.gov.au/education-and-training/resources/nsw-skills-list
The Agrifood ITAB in partnership with the NSW Utilities and Electrotechnology ITAB and Manufacturing Skills Australia (NSW ITAB) and Supporting and Linking Tradeswomen (SALT) have been successful in winning funding under the National Career Institute Partnership Grants Funding Round 3.
With a focus on women, the MAE ( Manufacturing, Agrifood and Electrotechnology) Career Pathfinders Project will develop current, relatable career information for the Manufacturing, Agrifood & Electrotechnology (MAE) industries. The resources will contain information otherwise unavailable that will be endorsed by the relevant industry stakeholders.
The project will develop 9 industry specific showcase days, of which 2 will be MAE industries combined. The showcase days will have demonstrations from female industry leaders and practitioners. Industries that will be showcased are:
- food & beverage manufacture: (3 combined MAE industries: food processing, industry 4.0, A/C, instrumentation)
- Western Sydney Parklands: (3 combined MAE industries: horticulture, aerospace, industry 4.0, electrical systems)
- advanced manufacturing: (aerospace, industry 4.0, laboratory operations)
- engineering: (fabrication, mechanical trade & industry 4.0)
- agriculture: (beekeeping, pollination servicing, production horticulture, irrigation)
- racing: (3 codes of thoroughbred, harness and greyhound racing)
- amenity horticulture: (landscaping, landscape design, arboriculture, production nursery)
- utilities: (renewable energy, gas/hydrogen, systems control and HV switching/linework)
- electrotechnology: (electrical, data communication, A/C, instrumentation)
A calendar of dates for the showcase days will be available shortly. Keep an eye out for updates !
The project will benefit the Manufacturing, Agrifood and Electrotechnology industries by increasing relevant, industry endorsed career data, strengthen partnerships and attracting new female candidates.
If you are a woman aged 16 – 64 and interesting in participating in the showcase days or wish to follow the developments of this project and career resources, please email melissa@agrifooditab.com.au or M: 0421 830 056.
The National Skills Commission (NSC) reports in its latest online jobs ads survey, show online job advertisements increased by 8.0% (23,100 job advertisements) in April 2022, to 311,100. The result is reported via the ‘Internet Vacancy Index (IVI)’ report which is compiled by the National Skills Commission (NSC) of the monthly count of online job advertisements.
The media release of 11 May 2022 states, “Job advertisements are now at their highest level since the inception of the IVI series in January 2006.
Recruitment activity increased across all eight jurisdictions over the month, the strongest increase being in Queensland (10.1%). Job advertisements in Victoria, Western Australia, Tasmania, and the ACT all recorded series highs during April 2022.
- Queensland, up by 10.1% (5,800 job ads)
- New South Wales, up by 7.6% (7,000 job ads)
- Tasmania, up by 7.3% (250 job ads)
- Western Australia, up by 7.3% (2,400 job ads)
- South Australia, up by 7.0% (1,000 job ads)
- Victoria, up by 6.5% (5,000 job ads)
- Northern Territory, up by 5.7% (180 job ads)
- Australian Capital Territory, up by 2.4% (200 job ads)
The level of recruitment activity nationally remains significantly elevated compared to pre-COVID-19 levels*, up by 84.9% (142,800 job ads). This growth is reflected across all jurisdictions, with the strongest gains recorded for Western Australia (up by 118.2%), Tasmania (112.3%) and South Australia (108.9%).
The detailed release of the IVI, including occupational, regional and skill level data, will be available on Wednesday 25 May 2022.
A further reminder that the Department of Customer Service, Customer Delivery and Transformation’s NSW Behavioural Insights Unit (BIU) team has partnered with Training Services NSW to run the ‘Women in Trades’ project.
The team is seeking to increase the number of women apprentices and trainees in non-traditional trades.
They have identified behavioural solutions from Australian and international academic studies and other reports.
The team is now travelling to nine sites across metro and regional NSW to explore local dynamics and how they can tailor solutions to the respective region.
The BIU team warmly invite stakeholders and practitioners to attend the nearest stakeholder consultation, as per the list below.
The program:
- What is it: Individuals can choose to participate in one or both activities, with lunch available to all
- 3-hour workshop to discuss the employer and apprentice customer journey, and how to implement solutions for the region
- 1-hour focus group on recruitment barriers and strategies to hire more women apprentices and trainees
- How to register: Please see below for the link to your nearest local consultation
- Who should attend: employers, professional bodies, Government agencies, and other stakeholders who are committed to hiring more women
- Feel free to forward to other stakeholders, team members, partners and practitioners
Region | Date | Time | Location | Register |
Riverina | Wed, 18 May 2022 | 09:30am to 14:30pm (lunch included) | TBC, Wagga Wagga | https://www.eventbrite.com/e/women-in-trades-consultation-riverina-region-tickets-317384243817 |
Western Sydney | Wed, 18 May 2022 | 09:30am to 14:30pm (lunch included) | TBC, Orange | https://www.eventbrite.com/e/women-in-trades-consultation-western-nsw-tickets-317385327057 |
Central and Northern Sydney | Wed, 25 May 2022 | 09:30am to 14:30pm (lunch included) | TBC, Chatswood | https://www.eventbrite.com/e/women-in-trades-consultation-central-northern-sydney-tickets-315039330117 |
For more information contact Dr Zuleyka Zevallos, A/ Project Manager, Behavioural Insights Unit (BIU) at Customer Delivery and Transformation, Department of Customer Service on T: 02 2 8226 0238 or E: Zuleyka.Zevallos@customerservice.nsw.gov.au
A new player has entered the networking connections social space offering more specifically focused engineering and technology opportunities for building learning prospects and transferring technical knowledge (mentoring) between experienced workers and career aspirants (e.g. apprentices/trainees) seeking the passing on of knowledge and experience.
In this light, Genuine Mistake is an exciting new platform has been launched, designed to connect learners, apprentices, and companies with experts in fields such as, Electrical, Electronics, Engineering, Mining, Physics, Quantum and Technology.
Genuine Mistake provides an environment where experts present their knowledge and experience by providing insightful answers to forum questions, facilitate interesting discussions, deliver 1-on-1 lessons, or engage with companies directly as a consultant or contractor.
Companies are able to find and contact eager and engaged experts in a variety of fields. Demonstrating knowledge and expertise in a public form allows companies to verify essential communication and technical skills, reducing potential recruiting burden.
“The Innovation game has changed. Companies that don’t innovate die. This is one certainty your company faces in this complex world. But how should your company innovate? Rather than relying entirely on internal ideas to advance the business, open innovation leverages internal and external sources of ideas.” This quote by Professor Henry Chesbrough Professor from the University of California resonates well with the Genuine Mistake mindset; leverage knowledge and expertise from far and wide to facilitate progress.
An important aspect at Genuine Mistake is that all people can interact and share knowledge with like-minded people. You can create and cultivate your own communities and help others along the way. Learning shouldn’t be restricted to your immediate surroundings or your educational institution, there is a world of knowledge out there and through Genuine Mistake you are able to connect with and access experts and other learners from all around the world, making that learning experience that little bit easier!
Find out more about Genuine Mistake: https://genuinemistake.com/
How it works: https://genuinemistake.com/how-it-works/
Have any questions or enquiries about Genuine Mistake? Please send an email to: admin@genuinemistake.com
Manufacturing Skills Australia (MSA) has advised that applications are now open for individuals who qualify to apply to the 2022 MSA Industry Development Fund for skills and knowledge through research, education and/or training.
The fund was established to support individuals with payments to help upskill across the manufacturing industry in Australia. It will distribute $80,000 to across successful applicants.
Applications are welcomed from all individuals employed or seeking employment in the Australian Manufacturing industry seeking support for individual skilling and development that is not supported by any other funding opportunity.
Applicants can apply for between $1,000 and $10,000 to develop their skills and knowledge through research, education and/or training.
To apply applicants must meet the entry requirements and submit an application in accordance with fund program.
Selected applicants will be offered you a scholarship, who will be invited to accept the offer and all conditions in writing.
Applications for 2022 are now open and will close on 1 July 2022.
The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) reports that it is now in the process of assessing the submissions received from an array of stakeholders to inform the next and future updates of the classification.
The ABS commenced public consultation March 1, 2022, on three topics related to the Australian and New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupations (ANZSCO) to inform the next and future updates of the occupational classification.
“Public consultation ran for 6 weeks, seeking feedback on:
- construction-related trades occupations
- how skills are reflected in ANZSCO, and
- other areas of ANZSCO requiring future update.
This public consultation generated 137 submissions from a wide range of stakeholder groups and sectors of the user community.”
The NSW UE ITAB along with Gas Industry stakeholders including Australian Industry Standards (AIS) submitted a proposed series of Gas Networks technician level occupations for inclusion in a future update of the ANZSCO.
“Continuing the review work that commenced in 2021, the ABS sought feedback on a proposed list of 24 construction-related trades occupations to be a focus for 2022.
The list was developed in consultation with the Department of Education, Skills and Employment (DESE), based on the following criteria:
- occupations in ANZSCO Major Group 3 Technicians and Trades Workers at skill level 3,
- occupations with significant Australian Apprenticeships commencements,
- occupations traditionally associated with an apprenticeship pathway, that were not included in the 2021 update, and
- the number of persons employed in the occupation in the 2016 Census of Population and Housing are significant.
Also included were a small number of occupations that were engineering-related rather than construction, but which also satisfied the above criteria. …
The remaining Emerging Occupations identified by the National Skills Commission (NSC) that were unable to be included in the ANZSCO 2021, Australian Update will be reviewed as part of the 2022 targeted update. …
The ABS will also assess these occupations and develop a set of proposed classification changes for further consultation in September 2022. The ANZSCO 2022, Australian Update will be released on the ABS website in November 2022, along with a complete list of classification changes.
The ABS is working on a delivery plan for this extensive program of work and will release further information on the schedule of review work and when stakeholder input will be sought.
If you have an interest in changes to ANZSCO and would like to subscribe to receive communication regarding future updates please provide contact details via anzsco.maintenance@abs.gov.au”
Australian Industry Standards (AIS) advised that the ESI Transmission, Distribution and Rail Industry Reference Committee is forming a Technical Advisory Committee for Powerline Safety.
If you are an industry expert in this field your industry expertise and insight are welcome to help develop a new Unit of Competency to address the skills and knowledge required by non-Electricity Supply Industry (ESI) workers to work safely near overhead electrical powerlines.
The new unit will focus on powerline identification, planning and management before commencing work near powerlines, and emergency escape requirements.
To register your interest in becoming a TAC member, please provide your details via the form below, by close of business Monday, 30 May 2022.
For further details on the background and project deliverables, please visit the project page or contact the Industry Skills Manager, Erin Knudsen, M: 0418 434 302 | E: erin.knudsen@aistnds.org.au
Australian Industry Standards (AIS) reports that it has submitted on behalf of the Electrotechnology Industry Reference Committee (E-IRC) a Case for Endorsement to State Training Authorities.
The submission covers Electricity Meters, Hazardous Areas, Rail Signalling and the qualification of Advanced Diploma of Engineering Technology – Electrical.
The UEE Electrotechnology Release 4.0 Training Package has been updated to address skills in the following areas:
- legislative and safety requirements for the installation of advanced digital meters
- working with electrical equipment in hazardous areas
- contemporary rail signalling industry practices, systems and equipment
- higher-level theoretical concepts more appropriate for the vocational destinations of graduates of the Advanced Diploma of Engineering Technology – Electrical
Please visit the AIS projects page to access the Case for Endorsement, Training Package materials, and a mapping document which tracks changes to existing Training Package products.
The Electrotechnology IRC is seeking the support of STAs by close of business Friday, 20 May 2022 for the Case for Endorsement, prior to submission to the Australian Industry and Skills Committee (AISC).
For more information, please contact Industry Skills Specialist, Paul Humphreys, M: 0429 670 588 | E: paul.humphreys@aistnds.org.au
TAFE Directors Australia (TDA) reports in its latest TDA Newsletter of 16 May 2022 that the acting managing director of TAFE NSW, Stephen Brady, has been appointed to the permanent position.
The article states, “The Minister for Skills and Training Alister Henskens said Mr Brady is a strong leader who would provide a clear and strategic direction for Australia’s largest training provider.
“Mr Brady will deliver on our shared vision for TAFE NSW – a vibrant, nation-leading training provider which delivers high-quality vocational education that meets industry needs and produces job-ready, skilled workers.”
Mr Brady was appointed to the acting role last December. He has more than 20 years of experience in executive leadership roles in the private and public sectors, including with the NSW Department of Customer Service, the Department of Premier and Cabinet, and NSW Treasury.
“I am honoured and excited to be given this opportunity to lead Australia’s largest vocational education and training provider,” Mr Brady said.
Skilled Training has advised that it has uploaded a new asbestos awareness module for industry practitioners and interested stakeholders.
The module is based on the SafeWork NSW asbestos safety series.
The course is not a nationally recognised course and is designed to provide awareness for those who may be involved in small works that could disturb asbestos containing material.
Safe Work Australia advises that it has released the theme and campaign kit for National Safe Work Month 2022 ahead of the official campaign launch on 1 October.
The theme for 2022 is Know safety, work safely – encouraging everyone to make health and safety in the workplace a priority.
The campaign will run throughout October. The campaign kit has digital customisable resources, including:
- NSWM logo
- digital wallpaper
- website header
- social media tiles
- video call background
- email signature
- posters
Join National Safe Work Month 2022
Start planning your work health and safety activities for October by joining National Safe Work Month. To participate, follow these steps:
- Go to the National Safe Work Month Website and download resources from campaign kit website.
- Customise and share the resources with your workplace.
- Follow Safe Work Australia on social media to keep up to date on new campaign materials and to share National Safe Work Month updates.
- Use the hashtags #safeworkmonth, #KnowSafety and #WorkSafely when promoting National Safe Work Month on social media.
Editor, Sandra Rossi reports in the latest Climate Control News (CCN), 4 May 2022 that a new international standard has recently been approved, which allows flammable A3 refrigerants such as propane (R290) in domestic air conditioners, heat pumps and dehumidifiers.
The article states, “After 18 months of revisions the standard was finally approved by the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on 29 April, 2022.
Officially designated IEC 60335-2-40, the new standard allows higher charge limits for hydrocarbons such as R290 in residential applications.
The revised safety standard allows for using a larger charge of flammable refrigerants (up to 988g of R290 in a standard split air-con system) in new equipment designed according to certain additional safety requirements to ensure the same high level of safety as equipment using non-flammable refrigerants.
The new standard is expected to be published on the 24 June. Countries will then need to swiftly adopt the revisions into their national legislation.
Convenor of the IEC working group that shepherded the standard through its revisions was Asbjørn Vonsild.
“The new Edition of IEC 60335-2-40 will enable R-290 [propane] to be used in many A/C and heat-pump systems which were previously blocked from using this refrigerant by the outdated version,” he said.
Electrical Connection this week covers the heartfelt story of Dale West. An electrical company he owned that got distracted and paid the ultimate price. The article recounts his story, “I needed experience; Dad told me.
“Experience has saved my life on many occasions, won me jobs and saved countless hours in fault finding,” he would say.
But I learnt something else about experience. This is my story.
Being a small cog in a big wheel allows you to sit back a little and let other cogs take the load. For six years after my apprenticeship, I was content being the floating cog in the family business, until a heart attack thrust me into the driver’s seat.
Dad teamed me up with Ravi in the early days. Probably because Ravi was the only one who would put up with my lazy attitude. Since Dad died though, I rely heavily on Ravi. He is one of our most experienced tradies, a diligent worker, a great bloke, a real gentleman and an awesome cook. I often threaten to fire him because if he is at the office at lunch time, all work stops as the most incredible smells wafts through the entire building, and everyone wants to know what Ravi made for lunch.
My mistakes are a daily occurrence that seems to take up every minute of my day, and finding experienced workers is such an impossible task; most days I feel like closing the doors.
Unable to “buy” experience, I had Ravi spend much of his time training the rest of the team. How does he approach problems? How does he learn from the problems he comes across, so he is able to find the solution faster next time? I figured you cannot teach experience, but you can teach them how to learn from the experiences they have.
“You have to allow people to make mistakes, but make sure they learn from them,” he says. …
Last year we had a big problem with rats getting into the equipment. One of the issues was the main incomer suffered rats causing a phase to earth that would trip the main breaker as well as take out the supply to the site.
Based on past experience, if the main breaker tripped, we knew we just had to close the earth, open the panel and get rid of the rat and any mess. …
Angelo wrote up a quick switching program and access permit, Ravi checked it while putting on his suit. I always go in the switchroom with them so I can learn how all this is done, but this time Ravi told me to stay outside. …
Less than a minute later, we heard this sound. It was exactly like the sound of a large power transformer kicking in, but with the volume turned way up.
Ravi was standing directly in front of the switch, with no chance of survival.
The result: One dead, one injured, total destruction of switchroom, two months lost production.
The cause: Closing an earth switch to the live incoming cable.
Root cause one: Not investigating the fault and not checking for de-energisation before closing an earth.
Root cause two: Pressure from management (me) to get the job done as quick as possible. …
- Experience lesson one: Never assume anything based on past experience.
- Experience lesson two: Investigate every trip.
- Experience lesson three: Don’t pressure anyone to hurry up.
- Experience lesson four: Don’t allow yourself to be pressured.”
“When working with high voltage, it’s critical to follow all the appropriate steps and stay focused on the task at hand”
The NSW UE ITAB again is fortunate this month to be provided with the latest electrical incident reports from BluScope Steel.
As stated previously the NSW UE ITAB has received permission from BlueScope Steel to share the information.
The aim is to help RTOs and industry practitioners have available, real case studies of electrical incidents that occurred in workplaces and which they can showcase in their programs or safety moments to highlight findings and how responses are actioned to occurring events.
The NSW UE ITAB again, sincerely thanks BlueScope Steel for their permission, and advises RTOs and industry practitioners to ensure they recognise attribution to BlueScope for sharing this information and treat the information for educational purposes only.
As we receive the incident reports, we will continue to share them accordingly.
For this News Service we have two Blue Scope Steel reports covering February 2022 and March 2022 (download February 2022 report here and download March 2022 report here). For more information and BlueScope contact details please refer to the undersigned for more information. Again, a sincere thanks to BlueScope.
Energy Corporation of NSW (EnergyCo) has released its latest information regarding three key updates in the implementation of the NSW Electricity Infrastructure Roadmap.
The media release of 11 May 2022 states, “The Draft Network Authorisation Guidelines are now open for public consultation. The Draft Network Authorisation Guidelines provide information to stakeholders about how EnergyCo (in its role as an Infrastructure Planner) and AEMO Services Limited (in its role as the Consumer Trustee) intend to undertake their functions relating to REZ network infrastructure projects.
1. Access the Draft Network Authorisation Guidelines here.
The Draft Network Authorisation Guidelines cover:
- Recommending REZ network infrastructure projects
- Authorising or directing REZ network infrastructure projects
- Engaging and consulting with stakeholders
- Collaboration between the Infrastructure Planner and the Consumer Trustee
The Draft Network Authorisation Guidelines are open for public consultation until 1 June 2022.
2. Draft Guidelines for Access Scheme Declarations
The NSW Government has published the Draft Guidelines for Access Scheme Declarations, available here. The Draft Guidelines for Access Scheme Declarations provide information on how the Minister will exercise the function of declaring access schemes. They build upon feedback received on the REZ access rights and scheme design: Central-West Orana consultation paper.
Parties who would like to provide feedback on the guidelines can do so via email by 5pm Wednesday 8 June 2022:
To: electricity.roadmap@dpie.nsw.gov.au
Subject line: ‘Your Name – Draft Guidelines for Access Scheme Declarations’
3. An update from AEMO Services
EnergyCo also states, that it is “pleased to share an update below from AEMO Services acting as the NSW Consumer Trustee”. Noting that subscribers to AEMO Services emails will have received this update already. For those who would like to receive updates directly from AEMO Services, please click here to subscribe.
AEMO Services is excited to introduce a new series of Market Briefings to learn more about the tender process and what to expect leading up to the first tender in Q4 2022.
The Minister for Energy Matt Kean circulated a Media Release on Thursday, 12 May 2022 stating, “More electric vehicle (EV) drivers can soon charge up at home and work, with a step-by-step guide released by the NSW Government, and a pilot site providing proof of concept for EV-ready buildings.”
The Media Release went on to say, “Minister for Energy Matt Kean said there are 900 registrations for a new Government webinar about helping make apartment and commercial buildings ready to install EV chargers.
“With the global shift to EVs it’s not a matter of if, but when, buildings will need to provide EV charging options,” Mr Kean said.
“We’re providing guidance materials, templates and tools on how to retrofit these buildings on one convenient website.
“Having all the information in one place makes it an easy first stop for apartment owners, strata organisations, tenants and building managers planning to install EV chargers in their buildings.”
The EV Ready Buildings website provides an easy to use, trusted source of information and practical tools and templates to help navigate the process.
The Richmont building in Pyrmont has been co-funded by the NSW Government to upgrade the electrical system to enable EV charging in all 104 parking spaces. They have already installed shared charging facilities in the visitor parking spaces, and through this process have discovered how to manage the charging of multiple EVs without costly upgrades to the buildings’ electricity supply.
The Government has also supported EV feasibility studies at 15 residential and commercial buildings in Sydney metro to assess EV ready upgrade costs. These studies have helped to understand the costs and options for retrofitting EV charging in existing buildings of various ages, sizes, layouts and locations.
Mr Kean said making a building EV ready will increase property values and attractiveness to tenants while helping to reduce vehicle emissions.
“EVs are expected to make up 50 per cent of new car sales by 2030 in NSW, and the new guidance materials will help make this target a reality while also protecting the environment.”
EV ready buildings are part of the Government’s Electric Vehicle Strategy announced last year under the NSW Net Zero Plan. The strategy also includes $171 million over the next four years to ensure widespread, world-class EV fast charging coverage across NSW.
Sean Carroll, Editor at Electrical Connection reports in the 13 May 2022 edition, of an online portal that was recently launched by Rewiring Australia, which reveals outer metropolitan electorates that have the most to gain from a switch to renewable-powered electrification of our homes and vehicles.
The article states, “Electrify my electorate is a new online tool allowing voters, candidates and researchers to gauge:
- How much individual households in their community would benefit from going electric;
- The aggregate economic benefit from weaning their community off foreign oil and gas;
- How many jobs would be generated by rewiring homes for a solar-powered, electrified future.
Electrification is the process of fitting every home with solar panels and a battery and then swapping out fossil fuel devices like gas cooktops, gas hot water, gas heating and combustion engine vehicles with electrified versions such as induction stoves, electric space heating and electric vehicles.
Modelling by Rewiring Australia last year found mass electrification of Australian homes and vehicles would reduce domestic carbon emissions by more than one-third and could be achieved through an eight year, $12 billion investment that would lead to overall national savings of more than $40 billion.
In the 12 May 2022 edition of EnergyInsider, jointly produced by Energy Networks Australia (ENA) and Australian Energy Council (AEC), Jemma Townson of ENA reports on an interesting report that has been released in the UK, which covers the strength and stay of the UK energy system.
The article draws on comparable developments of change between the energy industry and the Queen’s long reign and tradition and the rapid need for modernisation. It commences with, “This week, Queen Elizabeth became the third longest reigning monarch in history. Her 70 years on the throne have borne witness to enormous social and environmental change. One of the biggest upheavals underway today is climate change and the essential decarbonising of the energy grid to help tackle it. We take a look at a new report out of Britain that considers how the UK energy sector must move with the times.”
“70 years ago – and for one hundred years before that – energy production and dispatch had been much the same; a one-way flow of energy into Britons’ homes and businesses. Coal was king and easily and cheaply sourced from England’s resources-rich north. In fact, by the time the coal mining industry was nationalised in 1946, 90 per cent of the United Kingdom’s electricity was produced from coal.
The makeup of the UK energy mix stayed that way (except for a short foray in nuclear energy in the 50s) until the 90s, when emerging new technologies such and wind and solar entered the fray..
And like the ‘modern monarchy’, the United Kingdom’s energy sector must move with the times.
A recent report from Catapult Energy System in the UK, recognised while work is underway to facilitate the near-term replacement of fossil-fuelled generation with renewable technologies, less attention is given to the end state – the operation of a fully decarbonised power system that supports the two-way flow of energy from solar, wind, distributed energy resources (DER) and even the new kid on the block – electric vehicle integration.
While various white papers, targets and commitments create clarity and certainty about the direction of decarbonsiation, they also highlights the need for the sector to create and deliver a practical plan for the entire power system.
The scale of change required in power system planning and operational practices is unprecedented. There is a need to identify the challenges and opportunities that a fully decarbonised system will create; how they can be managed; and the key decision points in the transition.
While the report itself is designed to be starting point to discussion and debate, it is clear in its intention that a fully decarbonised grid is essential and urgent.”
For more, contact Jemma Townson, Energy Networks Australia.