News Service 110 – Draft RTO standards out for feedback, Women in non-traditional jobs, Trades Forum – 9 Nov, New future skills courses, Gov VET expenditure 2021, Smart & Skilled, VET student loans, Pracbox update, Worker killed HV powerline, Gas & Electricity Act review, Safe Work Australia stats & guides, Stay ‘switched on’ website, Licenced Fridgies over 100 000, NSW Small biz month, Union-Gov sign Energy Charter, ASIC greenwashing fine, utilities & energy news

Download a PDF version of the News Service 110 1. DRAFT REVISED RTO STANDARDS RELEASED FOR FEEDBACK The Australian Skills quality Authority (ASQA) reports in the latest ASQA News of 3 November 2022, that the Department of Employment and Workplace Relations (DEWR) released for public consultation on the 2 November 2022, draft revised Standards for […]