News Service 98 – Apprentice numbers down & supervisor guide, JSA forming, NETM microcredentials, Focus on women, Skills week & grants, health-safety-RAC-electrical news

DOWNLOAD A PDF COPY OF NEWS SERVICE 98 – HERE 1. APPRENTICES AND TRAINEES 2021 NUMBERS DOWN FOR DECEMBER QTR NCVER has released the latest snapshot of apprenticeships and traineeships across Australia.  The new publication presents statistics on commencements, completions, cancellations and withdrawals and those currently in training. The data shows: In-training as at 31 […]

News Service 72 – Future of TAFE, Director Compliance vacancy, Feds spend $6.4B on VET, SMEs for Gas Training Package, TAE Review, Apply for grant, IPART Report, Safety, look up & live, Industry news (EV and grid)

1. JENNY DODD OUTLINES FUTURE OPPORTUNITIES FOR TAFE (PODCAST) Claire Field (Claire Field & Associates Pty Ltd), in the latest “What Now? What Next?” podcast discusses with Jenny Dodd, the interim CEO of TAFE Directors Australia, future opportunities for TAFE.  Jenny shares her insights on the opportunities (and challenges) facing the TAFE sector as the […]