News Service 109 – Jobs & Skills Australia established, TAFE at heart of Budget, Apprentice – numbers up, NSW regional travel cards, foundation skills, and pre-apprenticeships, MAE Career Showcase Days, FREE PLC course, Say Yes To Trades, Release 5.0 Electro TP & CIII Electrician transition extension, Review of SafeWork NSW, HBA Review, Licence checker, SWMS, Builder fined, Electrical shock incidents, Battery safety, Hydrogen trucks, Energy & renewables news

Download a PDF version of the News Service 109 NSW UE ITAB NEWS SERVICE 109 1. JOBS AND SKILLS AUSTRALIA – BUDGET AND FORMATION The latest National Skills Commission (NSC) news of 26 October 2022, reports on the Government’s recent Federal Budget announcement regarding the establishment of the new Jobs and Skills Australia (JSA) entity. […]