News Service 110 – Draft RTO standards out for feedback, Women in non-traditional jobs, Trades Forum – 9 Nov, New future skills courses, Gov VET expenditure 2021, Smart & Skilled, VET student loans, Pracbox update, Worker killed HV powerline, Gas & Electricity Act review, Safe Work Australia stats & guides, Stay ‘switched on’ website, Licenced Fridgies over 100 000, NSW Small biz month, Union-Gov sign Energy Charter, ASIC greenwashing fine, utilities & energy news

Download a PDF version of the News Service 110 1. DRAFT REVISED RTO STANDARDS RELEASED FOR FEEDBACK The Australian Skills quality Authority (ASQA) reports in the latest ASQA News of 3 November 2022, that the Department of Employment and Workplace Relations (DEWR) released for public consultation on the 2 November 2022, draft revised Standards for […]

News Service 75 – VET Funding election agenda, Webinars – electrical incidents investigation & Industry Skills, Training Package update, ABS new ANZSCO, VET Fee relief, Safety – asbestos, save lives app, smoke alarms, Standards and industry news

1. CLAIRE FIELD ON THE NUMBERS THAT WILL DRIVE VET FUNDING Wednesday’s 24 November 2021, Campus Morning Mail featured an article by Claire Field on the numbers that will drive VET funding.  Claire, felt that “if the Commonwealth puts enough money on the table for states and territories then reforms are likely.”  Given the National […]