News Service 116 – Minister’s address to JSCs, JSA Clean Energy Capacity Study, House Reps Public Hearing – Perceptions of VET, JSA latest labour market data, Productivity Commission urges broader access to VET, Proposed New Training Product Model, MAE Careers Showcase Days for Women, Mentoring female apprentices, NCVER report student equity in VET, Smart & Skilled Update, Trade Pathways Grant Open, Electrical incidents, Wellbeing training for workers and apprentices, Safety and Industry news (electrify everything!)

Download a PDF version of the News Service 116 1. MINISTER ADDRESSES TO THE NEW JOBS AND SKILLS COUNCILS (JSCs) The Minister for Skills and Training, The Hon Brendan O’Connor MP, delivered a keynote address to the Jobs and Skills Councils (JSCs) Onboarding Forum on 28 February 2023.  The Minister highlighted the expectations and opportunities […]

News Service 82 – History of VET funding 1970-2020, AiGroup VET Policy, celebrate IWD, AISC UEE UEG UET communique, apprentices, electric shock incident, Flood grants, RTO Compliance, Students & courses data, safety & industry news

1. FUNDING VOCATIONAL EDUCATION IN AUSTRALIA – 1970 TO 2020 At a time when a lot of hype surrounds levels of funding of VET by political parties as we head into an election fever, a timely and clearheaded report has been released by NCVER on funding of vocational education in Australia between 1970 to 2020.  […]