News Service 119 – ASQA RTO warning, Call for army of skilled workers, RTO guide for trainers, Unemployment rate declines, ANZSCO review, Woolies WRD open day, NSW to conduct VET review, Join NSW Women’s Council, Women careers, Training initiative launched for regional NSW, Nextgen applications open, Fatal electric shock, Electrical disciplinary hearings, SWA Carcinogens survey, NSW electrical safety in construction, Solar warning, Banning gas connections, and Safety of solar traffic.

Download a PDF version of the News Service 119 1. ASQA ISSUES WARNING OVER POOR TRAINING PRACTICES – ELECTRICAL Master Electricians Australia (MEA) reports in its MEA Industry News of 5 June 2023 that the Australian Skills Quality Authority has issued a warning to training organisations that it is concerned about the way some RTOs […]