News Service 96 – Million students in gov-funded VET, TD&R & Electro updates, Gas Trainer Assessor Job, Skills Outlook, Worldskills, Grid Training Partnership, Apprentice incentives, Learning, Licensing, Safety & Industry News

1. MORE THAN A MILLION STUDENTS ENROLLED IN GOVERNMENT-FUNDED VET TAFE Directors Australia also reports in its latest (18 July 2022), TDA Newsletter of the NCVER report recently released more than a million students enrolled in government-funded VET.  The article states, “A total of 1.25 million students were enrolled in government-funded vocational education and training […]

News Service 95-Apprentices ‘left behind’, Fixing skill shortages, TAFE more students, Women in Riverina, ‘YES’ to Trades, Talented Technicians, Skills Targets unmet, eProfiling, Star-Delta quiz, WorldSkills cancelled, Energy crisis, Packages, Safety

1. ELECTRICAL APPRENTICES ‘LEFT BEHIND’ BY FAIR WORK COMMISSION’S ANNUAL WAGE REVIEW Reporter Ellen Tansley writes in the 15 June 2022 edition of News.Com.Au that the Fair Work Commission has left apprentices behind in its latest annual wage review. Ellen states, “Today’s minimum wage decision hasn’t been good news for all, with one group left […]