News Service 80 – Labour market update, Jan online ads up, Electro and TDR Training Packages updates, Small Business Month, NSW Women’s Week, Falling revenues HVACR, HBA Review, Electric shock, Safety & Industry news

1. NSC RELEASES LABOUR MARKET UPDATE FOR DECEMBER 2021 QUARTER The National Skills Commission (NSC) has released its latest quarterly update on the strength of the labour market, including activity, demand and recruitment difficulty.  The Report states, “The Australian labour market has weathered the impact of the global pandemic reasonably well. While the outbreak of […]

Industry requires off-the-job competent of CDP for Electricians to be graded (percentage) and reported

There has been a lot of recent discussion about RTOs requiring 100% pass mark for the knowledge component and 100% pass mark for the skills component of a unit of competency from the UEE Electrotechnology Training Package.  There has little been said about the on-the-job component and the pass mark for it.  Essentially, on-the-job component […]